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miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

One more haul, one less haul

Hello everybody!

Tonight we are going to keep it short because you have got enough of this blog for one day... just a little note to tell you we have had a very good working day, with seven perfect hauls and their CTDs. We have been fishing at depths between 50 to 600 m, and the most tiresome task has been sorting the sand lance and capelin, and cleaning the gear, as the sand lance gets stuck in the mesh and the deckhands must resort to the shovel to get rid of it. A very annoying task that seems to land every time in Eladio, Javier, Luis and Manuel's shift. Anyway, these two species made up 2300 kg. Hiding among them were some plaice, cod and thorny ray. The second to last haul came with nearly two tones of redfish and the last one with Greenland halibut, few and small, some dogfish, a few redfish and lots of small shrimp. We do not have the figures but we have the positions:

L103: 45º 45.10 - 048º 16.72
L104: 45º 50.66 - 048º 15.36
L105: 45º 51.30 - 048º 05.18
L106: 45º 55.08 - 049º 56.46
L107: 45º 59.50 - 049º 58.26
L108: 45º 57.08 - 049º 47.06
L109: 45º 57.41 - 049º 43.52
The stomach contents sampling is also going very well. American plaice is done, which means 275 stomachs analysed. Plus 556 from cod, 122 of yellowtail flounder and 380 from Greeland halibut. A total of 1333 stomachs.

See in the pictures Adriana, Bernardo, Iván working hard and Juan with two friens.

See you tomorrow!

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